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Working on Commissioned Projects

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Working with clients on commissioned art projects can be a breeze!

You will learn

  • How to price your projects,

  • How to communicate with clients so well that they are eager to get started working with you,

  • How to negotiate effectively, so it feels like a win-win for both you and your clients.

  • How to create a project agreement that protects your rights when it comes to payments, revisions, and copyright, and outlines other major provisions.


You'll get:

  • Price range guide.

  • Email Communication template.

  • Process wording template.

  • Negotiation decision tree.

  • Mindset tips for successful work with clients.

  • Three different Project Agreement templates (Paintings, Murals, and Digital artworks).

  • Agreement checklist.

1 hr long, costs $249 to Non-members, Free to Members.

This masterclass is for you, if you may have been subconsciously pushing away commissioned projects because:


- You are afraid of pricing a project too low and having to work for less than you deserve.


- You are afraid of pricing a project too high, and potentially losing it.


- You are unsure what to say to clients to win them over.


- You are unsure how to negotiate with the clients, if they want to negotiate. 


- You are unsure how to create a project agreement and what terms to include to get paid timely, to protect yourself from endless revisions, and to secure your copyright. 

Five stars out of five stars rating
"Exactly what I needed, very straight forward and helpful. The agreement templates and checklist are priceless! Thanks again Tamara!"

Jon W. about "Working on Commissions" Masterclass

What you’ll learn:


  • How to price your projects.


  • How to communicate with clients so well that they are eager to get started working with you.


  • How to discuss projects and negotiate effectively, so it feels like a win-win for both you and your clients.


  • How to create a Project Agreement that protects your rights when it comes to payments, revisions, and copyright and outlines other major provisions.

Five stars out of five stars rating
"I feel ready to take on commissioned projects now! I think I have been subconsiously pushing them away because I didn't know what to say, how much to charge or how to create an agreement. Now I have all the tools! I'm super excited!"

Alisha B. about "Working on Commissions" Masterclass

What you’ll get:


  • Price range guide.


  • Email communication template (the 10 essential emails you need for successful communication with clients).


  • Process wording template (learn how to describe your process in such a way that the clients come to you pre-sold). 


  • Negotiation decision tree (learn what to do in different situations, so that you don’t have to second guess or settle for less).


  • Mindset tips for successful work with clients.


  • Three different Project Agreement templates (Paintings, Murals, and Digital artworks).


  • Agreement checklist so that you can negotiate better and know what additional provisions you should add for specific projects.

Five stars out of five stars rating
"Totally worth it! Recommend."

Mike B. about "Working on Commissions" Masterclass

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